Namespace AdrianMiasik.Components.Specific
A ThemeElement image used to pull focus off selected elements. The background is our default selection for Unity's EventSystem.
A ThemeElement used primarily to update the color of the referenced "TIMER COMPLETE" labels via IColorHook ColorUpdate. This component is used to prompt the user that the timer is finished. Also used for offsetting the labels depending on long break setting. AdrianMiasik.Components.Specific.Settings b
A TimerProgress inheritor used for displaying the authors name of the app. Intended to minimize after a couple seconds via the base class.
Used to display the end local time for the current running timer. (E.g. It's 3:02pm with 3 minutes left on the timer. Thus this will display: "3:05pm".)
Responsible for our detecting and executing our keyboard shortcuts/binding actions.
Single keys are processed in ProcessKeys()
and multi-keys are processed in ProcessKeybinds()
Responsible for detecting when the application window size changes. By default, it checks the current windows size every second and compares it with its cache to determine if the window has been resized. If the window has been resized it will fire off an action upon checking.
A ThemeElement button used to play / pause the timer. Implements ITimerState
to change graphics depending on the PomodoroTimer's current state.
(See PomodoroTimer.States)
A ThemeElement button used for skipping / auto-completing the timer. Implements ITimerState to show / hide itself depending if the timer has been started / not started.
A ThemeElement boolean slider with a custom icon. Intended for toggling between our light / dark mode themes.